EVO ACM with PT5 Controller

Specification Number
Specification Status Superseded
Product Ref PDL 2030
Registration Date 06/02/2015
Certificate Number 2023/0255
Additional Documentation

Product Details:

TOPAS Re-registration 1/12/23   Certificate 2023/0255

TOPAS Re-Registration 3/7/20    Certificate 2020/0165 

Exceptions : In respect of TOPAS 2502B, TOPAS 2503B, TOPAS 2538B and TOPAS 2537A

SA/SD  Equipment: (TOPAS 2537A clause 2.58 & TOPAS 2338A clause 2.57)  This function is not included with this eqiupment.

Cat 1 Failure mode: (TOPAS 2502B clause 2.60, TOPAS 2537A clause 2.71 and TOPAS 2538A clause 2.70): Note : rather than transition immediately to all red, the system enters a HOLD state in which no signalling transitions can occur.  This lasts for up to 12 seconds, during which time the system works to find a viable alternative radio channel on which to resume operation, in the event that this operation is unsuccessful, the system transitions to immediate lights out state

Vehicle to Pedestrian Intergreen: (TOPAS 2537A clause 2.4): Controllers will run preceding vehicle all red time, prior to pedestrian green.  A minimum of 3 second all red period will be achieved.

Pedestrian Green Time: (TOPAS 2537A clause 2.42 and TOPAS 2538A clause 2.39): The controllers offer alternative pedestrian green times, always with a minimum of 7 seconds.

Automatic Comms Recovery: (TOPAS 2502B clause 2.61; TOPAS 2503B clause 2.60; TOPAS 2537A clauses 2.72 and TOPAS 2538A clause 2.71): Following a CAT1 fault, the system waits for a variable hold-off period before then automatically attempting to restart the system through the safe start-up sequence.  The hold off period starts at 5 seconds then increases to 1 minute, then 2, 5, 15,30 in the event that subsequent attempts to restart are not successful.

Minimum Green Time : (TOPAS 2502B clause 2.28; TOPAS 2503B clause 2.31; TOPAS 2537A clause 2.31; TOPAS 2538A clause 2.29) The minimum green time employed when operating in Vehicle Actuation mode is 12 seconds but is automatically reduced to a value between 6 and 12 seconds in cases where the maximum green time is set by the operative to a value of 15 seconds or less.

Red Times (TOPAS 2537A clause 2.32) All-red times are selectable in one second increments

Maximum Green Times : (TOPAS 2502B clause 2.34; TOPAS 2503B caluse 2.33; TOPAS 2537A clause 2.39; TOPAS 2538A clause 2.36) Maximum green times are selectable between 6 seconds and 60 seconds in 1 second increments.  A ‘hidden’ function is available to advanced users (under highway authority instruction) in order to allow maximum green times in the range of 6 – 15 seconds to be set.

CAT 3 fault : (TOPAS 2502B clause 2.62; TOPAS 2537A clause 2.73: TOPAS 2538A clause 2.72) When a CAT 3 fault occurs, all signal heads in the system automatically complete any amber transition currently in progress


TOPAS First Registration 6.2.15 – Certificate 2015/0020

Registered under HA Approval 3.6.13 in respect of TR2502B, TR2538A and TR2537A with the exception of the points listed below:

SA/SD  Equipment: (TR2537A clause 2.58 & TR2338A clause 2.57)  This function is not included with this equpment.

Cat 1 Failure mode: (TR2502B clause 2.60, TR2537A clause 2.71 and TR2538A clause 2.70): The system will go to all red heads for the max clearance time prior to signals off.

Vehicle to Pedestrian Intergreen: (TR2537A clause 2.4): Controllers will run preceding vehicle all red time, prior to pedestrian green.  A minimum of 3 second all red period will be achieved.

Pedestrian Green Time: (TR2537A clause 2.42 and TR2538A clause 2.39): The controllers offer alternative pedestrian green times, always with a minimum of 7 seconds.

Automatic Comms Recovery: (TR2537A clause 2.42 and TR2538A clause 2.39): The controllers incorporate an automatic restart functions, incorporating details as listed within PIKE signals technical note CRP/HA03036.